Python I – Unit 01

  • quantitas
  • 2/1000 Students
  • Python
  • 21 Lessons /12 Quizes

Welcome to Crash Course on Python! (CCP) I’m excited to have you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the learning community.

To begin, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. Review the material we’ll cover each week, and preview the assignments you’ll need to complete to pass the course.

If you have questions about course content, please post them in the forums to get help from others in the course community or discuss about assignments. For technical problems contact FIAR in

Good luck as you get started, and I hope you enjoy the course!

To begin with, it is good that you see this video about Python applications.


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Additional Details

  • Beginner
  • 2 Weeks
  • 10 points
  • 05/09/2020 22:11
Course Curriculum

Introduction to Programming

7 Lessons / 4 Quizes
Specialization Introduction 1 points
Welcome to the Course! 1 points
Course Introduction 1 points
Beginning Your Programming Journey 1 points
What is Programming? 1 points
Quiz - 001 10 points 3m
What is Automation? 1 points
Quiz - 002 3m
Computers Working for You Preview 1 points
Quiz - 003 3m
Test - 01 10m

Introduction to Python

7 Lessons / 2 Quizes
What is Python? 1 points
Quiz - 004 5m
A Note on Syntax and Code Blocks 1 points
Why is Python relevant to IT? 1 points
More About Python 1 points
Other Languages 1 points
PythonAnyware SignUp 1 points
First PythonAnyware code Preview 1 points
Test - 02 15m

Hello World

4 Lessons / 4 Quizes
Hello, World! 1 points
Coding - 001 15m
Getting Information from the User 1 points
Coding - 002 10m
Coding - 003 10m
First Programming Concepts 1 points
Test - 03 15m

Module Review

3 Lessons / 2 Quizes
First Steps Wrap Up 1 points
Assessment - 01a 15m
Meet Marga, the Curriculum Developer 1 points
Assessment - 01b 30m
Visit the Week I forum and say hello 1 points

About the Instructor

3 Courses
4 Students
Average Rating
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