Hi there, welcome back, and well done for completing your first graded assessment. You’re doing a great job making it this far. Chances are some topics we’ve covered may have been a little tricky at times, especially if you’re completely Leer más…
Hi there, welcome back, and well done for completing your first graded assessment. You’re doing a great job making it this far. Chances are some topics we’ve covered may have been a little tricky at times, especially if you’re completely Leer más…
Welcome to Crash Course on Python! (CCP) I’m excited to have you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the learning community. To begin, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. Review the Leer más…
Welcome to the what and why of bash scripting. In this chapter, you will discover the types of shells in Linux and why we chose bash. You will learn what bash is, how to write your first bash script, and Leer más…